
School of Business Header

Who we are

The 商学院,政府, 经济学院提供工商管理专业, Accounting, Economics, Global Development, Political Science, and 政治、哲学和经济学.

皇冠体育也开设会计辅修课程, Business Administration, Economics, Entrepreneurship, and Political Science.

Our Mission

深深扎根于基督教信仰和价值观的, 皇冠体育培养通过商业服务促进人类繁荣的领导者, government, and civil society.

Degree programs

  • Accounting (major and minor)
  • Business Administration (major, minor, and tracks)
    • Concentrations: General; Economics; Finance; Information Systems; International Business; Management; Marketing; Public 政策; Social Enterprise
  • Economics (major, minor, and tracks)
    • Concentrations: General; Business; Development Economics; Financial Economics; Public 政策
  • Entrepreneurship (小)
  • 全球发展研究 (主要)
  • Political Science (major, minor, and tracks)
    • 跟踪: General; Public 政策 & Law; International Affairs
  • 政治、哲学和经济学 (major and tracks)
    • 跟踪: Applied Economics; Financial Economics; International Affairs; Philosophy; Law; Public Administration; Social Enterprise


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访问 the 商业、政府和经济学院网站 查看学校的专业和辅修说明. 

Time Schedule


Time Schedule

Course planning